Buku Guru Materi Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Kristen dan Budi Pekerti Kurikulum Merdeka Kelas 4 SD

Friends of Education who... Independent Curriculum Teacher's Book for Christian Religion and Character Education in Primary IV. For class lessons. This book on Christian religion and moral education is a guidebook for teachers and especially for students of UTSAWA IV. The love of God's extraordinary work motivates people, especially Zagitati, to practice gratitude for God's love through mutual love, respect, service and care for others.

The material in this book has been creatively created so that participants can learn from theory to practice, both individually and in groups. I hope that through this book, Pakistan will guide you to be a light carrier on your nose every day.

Lesson 1. God created man and woman equally unique

Lesson 2. Every human being is precious in the eyes of Allah

Lesson 3. All the children and God have taken care of me

Lesson 4. God is my good shepherd

Lesson 5. I love my neighbor as myself

Lesson 6 I want to live in harmony

Lesson 7. True worship

Lesson 8. Serving wholeheartedly

Lesson 9 I will serve

Lesson 10. Appreciating solidarity in Indonesian society

Lesson 11. Thanks to nature and my surroundings

Lesson 12. Me and the cleanliness of my environment

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